The functional training system FIVE day cycle.
Day 1 - Upper body press - Bench, floor, strict, push press, Z, Arnold, uneven, land mine press super set or combined with a unilateral lower body exercise lunges, split squats, weighted step ups, prowler push. (Strength biased day)
Day 2 - Weightlifting – Snatch - Power, muscle, hang, Over head squat, snatch balance, snatch accessories. Variation of snatch in Metcon using different techniques, gear and/or equipment. (Conditioning biased day)
Day 3 - Squat - Front, Back & Carries (heavy or uneven), static hold or marches supplement with uneven or static upper body movement pull ups, alt arm presses (strength and load biased day) .
Day 4 - Weightlifting - Clean & Jerk, power/squat, push, split jerk, clean/jerk accessories, gymnastics technique and work (technique biased day)
Day 5 - Upper body pull & lower body compound - Pull up, sumo high pulls, bent over rows, single arm row, sumo deadlift, deadlift, lunges, split squat.(conditioning biases day)