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Function Induction courses.


Here at function we don't just want to throw you into a class environment and hope you manage to survive, we want you to thrive. So we offer two induction packages.......


The beginners induction where we go through loads of the basic and compound movements and techniques that we use regularly in classes. So you can gain the skills and confidence to perform each movement with control as well as understand the target area for each exercises and the correct way to perform them. All new members are strongly advised to participate in the beginners induction to gain the appropriate knowledge, technique and experience prior to participating in Function classes. (This class is not a compulsory part of the joining process but is recommended to new members. If you are already experienced in functional, strength and fitness training you do not need to attend this induction).


Beginners induction movements.

Squat – air squat, back squat, front squat, over head squat

Press – press ups, bench press, floor press, strict press, push press, dips

Pull – ring rows, deadlift, sumo deadlift high pulls

Medicine ball - med ball clean, med ball sit up, wall ball, med ball thrusters

Kettle bell - Russian KB swing, American KB swing, KB goblet squat

Basic gymnastics - Pull ups, knees to elbow, handstand hold (wall supporting)

Body weight and conditioning – Burpees, Rowing, Prowler, Skipping (single and double unders), box jumps/step ups, lunges

Barbell work – barbell thrusters, power clean, power snatch, lunges


The advanced induction.

This is for athletes (all function members are athletes) looking to develop and improve their skill, understanding and technical ability of the more complex movements involved in the program at Function. The session will include the breakdown and rebuild of some more complex gymnastic, weightlifting and barbell movements going into more detail on technique and movement efficiency.

Advanced induction movements.

Weightlifting/Barbell - Squat snatch, Snatch Balance, over head squat, squat clean, push jerk, split jerk, cluster

Gymnastics - Kipping swings, Kipping pull ups, butterfly pull ups, toes 2 bar, HSPUs, free standing hand stands, bar muscle ups



Both induction courses Beginners and advanced run on Saturdays from 12pm until roughly 2pm. Participants on the course are expected to fully involve them self and partake in a variety of Skill, technique and fitness based workouts and exercises throughout the day. There is a maximum of 6 participants per induction.

Induction cost.


2 hour Function strength and fitness beginners induction course - £30.00

2 hour Function strength and fitness advanced induction course - £35.00


Contact your coach or a Function team member for more details, availability and for the next beginners or advanced induction course.


Unit 10 Newton industrial estate

Llantwit Fardre


Rhonda Cynon Taff 

CF38 2EE


Tel - 07943824919


Email -


Facebook - Function Strength

And Fitness Republic


Instagram - @function_sf


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